• Asparagus and shrimp pasta

    19. May 2021BauchgefühlRezepte

    Everyone loves pasta, don’t they? And in spring there is the delicious asparagus. So why not combine the two? And add fresh or frozen shrimp. There you have a delicious and light pasta dish. Since there was still some wild garlic in my fridge, I also added it to the pasta. It gives the dish a hearty flavor. If you don’t have wild garlic, you can use fresh garlic or just leave it out.Try it while asparagus is still available.

  • Pancake asparagus rolls

    26. March 2021BauchgefühlRezepte

    It’s asparagus season again and I love asparagus. I could have asparagus every day. I’m always trying my hand at new recipes for asparagus, too. So this recipe has now made it onto my asparagus list – pancake asparagus rolls. The asparagus is wrapped in herb pancakes and topped with an herb sauce and cheese. Simply heavenly. Of course, you can choose whether to roll only white, only green or both types of asparagus. I had three quarters white asparagus and one quarter green. The asparagus roll also has ham wrapped in it in a very classic way. That’s what…

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